Creating a web platform for Celebrating life 2017 and promoting online.

Campaigns | Dailystar


July – October 2017


The Daily Star

Celebrating life is the name of a creative contest arranged every year jointly by the Daily Star and Standard Charted Bank. This year, the topic for the contest was: diversity in Bangladesh. 

Our Task Was

Celebrating life is the name of a creative contest arranged every year jointly by the Daily Star and Standard Charted Bank. This year, the topic for the contest was: diversity in Bangladesh. GEEKY Social became a promotional as well as technical partner of The Daily Star to arrange the contest Celebrating Life 2017 contest.


Our task was to create a platform for the users where they can submit their works. And the selected works will be displayed for public voting. At the same time, we had to prepare some video ads and promote theme online in order to encourage the participants. 


We had several meetings with the marketing department of the Daily Star and the top officials of celebrating life. We took the brief about what exactly to do the make the program a successful one.


After that, we had some internal meetings with the creative department and the technical department of geeky social. Our technical team came up with a plan of the web platform. They submitted a mock design and the top officials of the daily star liked it. Our creative team came up with a fantastic promotional plan the boost the contest. After getting the plans approved by the clients, we finally started to implement the plan.


  • We have built a micro website for them, that is
  • We have created some promotional videos
  • Promoted the contest online to the targeted group of people
  • Took submissions from the participants
  • The judges did initial judgement of the photographs, lyrics and movies
  • Selected works were displayed in the website for public voting
  • Anyone could log in the website using Facebook ID and vote for his/her favorite contestant.



The whole project was a great success for us as we delivered what the client have asked for.


  • We have got 900+ lyrics submitted by the participants
  • Total 200+ photos were submitted for photography contest
  • Huge number of people logged in the website and voted for the contestant
  • The winners were selected by adding the user votes with judge’s votes

This was one of the most challenging tasks for GEEKY Social. And we are glad that we finished it successfully. We had plenty of difficulties to make reach the goal, but we did it eventually.


We are looking foreword to work with the Daily star in the future.

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